
darren crowhurst

Everyone, regardless of who they are, is always welcome and included.


darren crowhurst

Everyone, regardless of who they are, is always welcome and included.


In the past, I’ve tried my hand at fly half and full back, but these days I’m settled into the flanker position. Before coming to Wasps, I played rugby for a few different clubs. Luckily, I’ve found my true home here. I first got wind of Wasps when they offered their clubhouse for post-match gatherings and training sessions. After several conversations and observing their training sessions, I realized I still had some good rugby left in me.

So, I made the decision to join as a player. The connections I’ve made both on and off the field are incredible. Some teammates have become friends I hang out with regularly, while others I talk to every day. There are countless reasons why I cherish this club. It feels like a tight-knit family. If anyone encounters a problem, there’s always plenty of support available. Wasps isn’t just a club; it’s a community of friends and family. Everyone, regardless of who they are, is always welcome and included.

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Wasps vs Lions – Match Report

Cardiff Lions Vs Westcountry Wasps 23.09.2023 – K/O Time – 14:30/2:30pm – Cardiff – The

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